in december – part two


Made it through last week with no new mass attacks.


More afternoon strikes. None landed in Lviv or Kyiv city [Kyiv is also the name of an oblast, or state] but extended period of electricity out even here [in Lviv]. _____s invited us for dinner – always nice. Streets dark like in Kyiv.


Still quiet here. Nothing big yesterday. Apparently UBTS [school Mark was teaching at in Lviv] is not used to having electricity out, so the plan to just do classes feels weird when that foundational thing is not steady.


Quiet day, 4am Zoom [for a class I was taking online originating in the U.S.], met with ____, knocked out end of school stuff while Mark taught his last day. Zelenskiy and Ukrainian people on TIME cover, Politico Man of the Year, etc., etc.


Heading back to Kyiv today (train). I just noticed (again) the tendency to go through something big, then to settle back down into a sense of more or less calm/just keep on, but also the tendency to forget what went before in any detail – just broad strokes, larger moments – like the strikes on October 10th. Even now I know that there were strikes after that, and the steady decline into limited daily electricity, etc., but the strikes on 11/23 have dimmed all of that detail (even the dates of what then were significant strikes in Kyiv and around the country. The following Monday? [in October] the 17th? then another, but not on a Monday? – I’ve already lost track).

The “new norm” of not scheduled outages [the city announced a change] but emergency outages has even become a blur. We weren’t really keeping the schedule before 11/23, but that has erased all memory of those. 

Being in Lviv will impact my sense of the strikes this past Monday (12/5), but I know Kyiv is definitely feeling them; here, the seminary had electricity out for the first time (for them – maybe they’ve had a generator?).


It seems to be the norm to not have electricity at church on Sunday mornings now. The ability to do electronics and coffee at the same time is an issue [due to overloading the generator] – but people are consistently coming anyway!


We haven’t had anything new in Kyiv, but I’ve realized that in my focusing on Kyiv, I have not been seeing (and feeling) the fact that the losses and stresses grow in a lot of places, every day.

I was feeling pretty out of sorts Saturday and Sunday – wanting to be seen and even appreciated [by people who were present] and it wasn’t pretty. People outside of this can’t pull all the pieces together, or if they do, it’s a shock, and then it fades. The day in, day out is utterly incomprehensible. The desire to “take a break” was real, and then I see that no one around us has that option. Humbling.

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